For those of you who've been worrying, i'm actually ok.
the chapter is ok (well the first chapter of the Chapter That Is Now Two Chapters, anyway). sure, it made me cry. but i'm not crying now, am i? no!
i've done some work on freeswingpress, so, while it now has a psychadelic colour scheme, it also has a far fancier layout. i suggest you check out the navmenus. i made them MYSELF.
we have nice things in the garden at hte moment. cherry tomatoes growing out of the concrete and producing enough tomatoes to turn my tongue to furr. herbs like crazy. beans. the passionfruit vine is doing well (ah, nostalgia). and we have these AMAZING peas!!! they look just like snow peas, except for the fact that they're a delicious shade of mulberry. absolutely fantastic and wonderful. i have photographed them, but can't find my card reader for this computer, so you'll have to wait. but they are truly very special and wonderous things. i go look at them everyday just to see how they're going.
yesterday was the sydney road festival, and what began as a trip to yoga and then brunch at a cafe became an all-day visit to the markets. i'm not sure many people from brunswick were there, but it sure was fun. we gathered up the Ladies and watched chinese ribbon and plate spinning, bands galore and ate a lot of things. it was sweet. we also looked inside the church hall where i do tango, the brunswick town hall and the mechanics institute. all on sydney rd, and the last two ones i've always wanted to look into. the town and church halls look like fantabulous dance spaces. the mechanics insitute a cute little performance space. i don't know why there aren't more dance things put on in brunswick. we could have the whole goddamn exchange on one street, where people wander in and out of all those different venues, as well as the streets.
the brunswick lindy exchange is only a matter of time.
"the brunswick lindy exchange is only a matter of time" was posted by dogpossum on February 28, 2005 9:28 PM in the category
the gym no longer pleases me. it's kind of exercise without a clear purpose.
i like yoga, but have found it tricky to find just the right class.
but tonight i will try the rathdowne yoga room's drop-in beginner class.
i am doing so little exercise, i'm really getting stiff and sore. and that contributes to ... wrrrritter's blooock.
iyengar yoga = A1
"yoga" was posted by dogpossum on February 15, 2005 2:59 PM in the category
the rathdowne yoga room is lovely, and you have to love an instructor called frank who wears purple bike pants. and recognises my overly-turned-out right hip/knee straight off. very reassuring. though of course it meant i had to work extra hard to keep that side of me sitting properly.
thesis? hmmm. maybe. poor worklog. neglected.
"yoga pleases me." was posted by dogpossum on February 14, 2005 10:48 AM in the category