1. right now i’m doing the redrafts before the ‘only typos’ draft. that means that i’m now editing for written expression and style, and making sure that the whole thesis works _as_ a thesis, not as seperate chapters. so i’m going back through the chapters and doing lots of signposting, restating and clarifying key points, etc.
    So basically, it’s all looking pretty ok (god, i’ve probably jinxed myself now). I’ve done chapter 2 (yesterday), i’ll do ch3 today, 4 tomorrow, off to uni thursday, ch5 friday, then ch6 monday. then i’ll have a look at ch1 (intro) and the conclusion, which the supes and i are talking about on thursday. i reckon, if all goes well, i should have it done by the end of next week.
    though i am DJing Thursday night, Friday night and Sunday night, so ch5 may be delayed til monday, then ch6 on tuesday, so i’ll be able to get to ch1 and the concl by the end of the week. hopefully.
    the conclusion is looking awful atm, and ch1 needs to have stuff added (theory bits) and be tidied to make it work _as_ an introductory chapter.
    So i should be on to the final draft (just typos) by about the middle of june, which is important, as the supes goes away for a month on the 24th, so i have to have it to her by the 19th. isn’t that some scary shit? the supes going away a month or so before i submit? i also have to submit my ‘intention to submit’ form asap.
    the whole thing should be submitted by the 19th august, when my scholarship runs out (eeeeeek). i have teed up some teaching for second semester (one or two subjects), and i’ll be queen publishing papers next semester as well.
    seperation/completion anxiety much?

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